Custom Properties

Prettifying makes inspecting the CSS easier, but very slighty changes the numbers.

Analyzed CSS


This analyzer attempts to deeply analyze your CSS Custom Properties. Use it to detect potential bugs or find opportunities to lower your total CSS footprint.

Catch potential bugs

  • Which custom properties are declared but never used in a var()?
  • Which custom properties are used in a var() but were never declared?
  • Which properties were registered with @property but never used?
  • Todo: does the type declared in @property (like <color> or <length>) match up with the way this custom property is used?

Detect unused code

  • Which custom properties are declared but never used in a var()? Unused code should be removed to decrease CSS filesize
  • Which properties were registered with @property but never used?


There are some shortcomings in this analyzer:

  • The scraper crawls the static HTML of your page only. Properties declared via .CSS.registerProperty() are not recognized. Similarly, usage of properties via getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("--my-var"); is not detected
  • The scraper only checks a single page at a time, meaning that I cannot detect a custom property being used on another page than it’s declared on
  • The scraper loads the initial HTML only, so it will not detect if some custom property is only used in a var() when someone has interacted with the page